9int9 transforms challenges in AI, Cyber Security and Stalled Projects into tangible solutions, driving businesses from insight to action.
The challenges
AI Complexity
In the race to leverage AI, many businesses are lost in massive datasets, unclear starting points, and ethical dilemmas. The gap between potential and execution widens.
Cybersecurity Threats
With cyberattacks increasing businesses face risks from data breaches, digital theft and impact on services that cause substantial financial and reputational losses.
Stagnant Projects
Momentum fades, ressources are wasted and morale drops as projects stall. A latent threat to growth and innovation.
Description AI Assessment: An advanced assessment designed to monitor, analyze, and predict potential chances to implement AI solutions to minimize inefficiencies within an organization's operations.
Value proposition AI Assessment: Enables businesses to proactively identify challenges, optimize processes, and stay ahead of competitors ensuring smoother operations and reduced costs.
Description AI Integrator: A solution where 9int9 implements AI enhancements based the AI sentinel and seamlessly integrates the right tools, code, or APIs.
Value proposition AI Integrator: Delivers a tailored AI solution, ensuring optimal process efficiency and adaptability. This not only streamlines operations but also equips businesses with the latest AI capabilities, giving them a competitive edge.
Description Cyber Guard Assessment: An in-depth security evaluation where 9int9 experts audit and analyze an organization's current cybersecurity posture, highlighting vulnerabilities and potential threats.
Value proposition Cyber Guard Assessment Offers businesses a clear snapshot of their current security landscape, identifying weak points and providing actionable recommendations to address them. This assessment acts as the foundation for all further cybersecurity endeavors.
Description Cyber Guard Implementation: Post-assessment, 9int9 takes the lead in fortifying the organization's digital defenses, implementing state-of-the-art security solutions tailored to the specific needs identified during the assessment phase.
Value proposition: Provides businesses with a robust cybersecurity framework, safeguarding critical assets and data. This ensures peace of mind and protects against both current and emerging digital threats.
Description Project Back to Green Plan: A comprehensive review and diagnosis of projects that are in critical condition. 9int9 experts delve into the challenges, roadblocks and inefficiencies and based on the assessment create a back-to-green plan based on client needs for time, quality & budget
Value proposition Back to Green Plan: Offers businesses a clear understanding of the bottlenecks and challenges in their projects. By pinpointing the root causes and developing a way out, organizations can apply a strategy to move forward.
Description Software Solutions: Custom Software Solutions offers tailored software development services, including apps, APIs, and specific software implementations. It targets businesses needing unique solutions not met by off-the-shelf products.
Value proposition Software Solutions: Software Solutions delivering bespoke solutions enhancing operational efficiency, solving unique problems, and enabling innovation, providing a competitive edge through problem solving and customization.
9int9 believes in harnessing the power of highly skilled, small teams composed of both humans and AI to tackle complex problems. They see this hybrid approach as the future of problem-solving, combining human ingenuity with AI's analytical capabilities. This methodology is central to how 9int9 operates, driving innovation and effective solutions.
9int9 provides actual Frameworks, tools and integrations, as opposed to conceptual discussions.
Fixed-price promise translates into real-world solutions, not endless consultations and related man day billings.
9int9 commits to transforming your processes and technology landscape, not only suggesting possible improvements.
Position Co-Founder and Managing Director
Experience Independent interim & program manager with focus on project rescue >10 years, former Chief Operating Officer (COO) at ebase (now fnz bank) & Director projects & processes at cominvest (now AGI)
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